Cost of Living In Mount Prospect, Illinois - Is Mount Prospect Cheap Place To Live?

How expensive is it to live in Mount Prospect, Illinois?
Is it very expensive to live in Mount Prospect, Illinois? How much money do you need to live comfortably in Mount Prospect? Let's find out. The cost of living index is based on a national average of 100. An amount below 100 means Mount Prospect, Illinois is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Mount Prospect, Illinois is more expensive. Mount Prospect, Illinois cost of living is 121. Which is 21% higher than US average.
Median Home Cost
45% NAT AVG.
Median Income
25% NAT AVG.
Median Rent
Cost Of Living
21% NAT AVG.
Cost of Living
Expense Mount Prospect Illinois National Avg.
Services 113 95 100
Groceries 105 97 100
Health 100 99 100
Housing 144 96 100
Transportation 114 105 100
Utilities 95 94 100
Cost of Living
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